An additional concern emerges during this time of COVID-19 and building closures – Legionella. Legionella was discovered after an outbreak among people who attended a Philadelphia convention of the American Legion in 1976. Those who were affected suffered from a type of pneumonia (lung infection) that eventually became known as Legionnaires’ disease. Read more information from the CDC here: /about/history.html.
Why are we concerned about an increase of Legionella? An article from the WQP (Water Quality Products) magazine dated September 21, 2020, had this to share about a Pennsylvania school district that was closed during COVID-19, “The Legionella bacteria likely grew as water sat stagnant during months of extended inactivity after schools closed due to COVID-19.” Read the complete article from WQP here: -lead-water.
Schools are not the only concern for Legionella. Any stagnant water supply where water is not running in the pipes has the potential to become a breeding ground. An article from WQP magazine entitled “Managing the Risk of Legionella in the Age of COVID-19”dated October 1, 2020, provides some direction, “Now, more than ever, the water systems of these affected buildings need to be evaluated for Legionella and waterborne pathogen risk. History shows that we should be concerned about the opening of buildings or healthcare facilities after being dormant. The current situation is reminiscent of construction-related outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease. Water remained in the pipes; Legionella proliferated and then the building resumed normal operation, leading to increased cases of Legionnaires’ disease followed along with deaths. We must learn from the past or we are destined to repeat it as the saying goes.” The complete article may be read here: -prevention/managing-Legionella -risk-age-covid-19.
The team at The IEP Group can provide testing for a single home, a multi-unit housing building, a commercial building, or another structure with which there may be concern.